‘Bless the Lord O my soul’ is the first verse of Psalms 103 which has several verses thereafter elaborating why we should bless the Lord.
One of these reasons in Psalms verse 5: "Who satisfies your mouth with good things, So that your youth is renewed like the eagles."
If there is one godly value that has helped me to a great degree in life, it is the value of being careful about what I speak concerning the various situations I come across in life. I learnt fairly early that words have power to build or destroy and as Christians our words have even more power especially when said in alignment to God’s word.
Our words have the power to transform sadness to joy, grief to hope, lethargy to energy, curse into blessing; empowered by the Holy Spirit who lives in us. When the psalmist says that the Lord satisfies our mouths with good things, actually it does not mean food but rather the right words and the right confessions that will cause our youth to be renewed. Youth in this case refers to a state of peak performance, energy, hope, enthusiasm and learning that is characteristic of physical youth.
A Christian should speak in faith before seeing the end result of what they are believing God for. When sick, confess ‘By the stripes of Jesus Christ I am healed’. A Christian should speak the word of God concerning whatever situation they are facing because the Bible addresses all the things we are likely to go through both good and bad. We should also be keen on the words spoken to us while in conversation with friends, family and acquaintances and decide who to allow to speak into our lives. Words from those around us often reveal many things about another’s thoughts towards you; their direction in life; their thoughts and attitudes towards the things that matter to you most and so on. Keep interacting but in all things, whether it be about career, spouses, politics or your finances, determine to find out and believe only the report of the Lord. Most importantly, a Christian should speak directly from the word and address situations in their lives; the lives of others as well as their environment in prayer. In order to reap the benefits of speaking right, this must be done while living in obedience to God’s word. Have you picked up this habit, practice?
Try it and watch God transform your mind and life.